Cabinet Hervé LOZA
1 Lot Dugazon de Bourgogne
Petit Pérou
0690 11 28 28 -
therapy practitioner marital and family
" Love is a surprise that tears us away from the insipid, attachment is a bond that weaves daily »
Boris Cyrulnik
Marriage therapy and family
All couples, all families are one day or another confronted with upheavals resulting from the vicissitudes of family life (birth, children, adolescence, illness, unemployment, sexuality, adultery, separation, management of emotions, retirement, etc.) likely to generate suffering, dissatisfaction and stress and which can confront them with crisis situations.
A marital or family crisis is not inevitable :
Therapeutic support helps you clarify your personal and relational difficulties, to make sense of them and to build your solutions to get back on the path to well-being, in fields as varied as :
- Communication in the couple
- Sentimental breakup
- Management of emotions
- Separation
- Sexuality
- Parenthood
- Perinatal
- Conflict situations
- Domestic violence
- Addiction
- Children and adolescents in difficulty
- Blended family
- Mixed couple
- Mourning - etc...
My approach is based on a systemic approach
which allows me to accompany you in a global way, as a person, as a couple or, more broadly, as a family. Attention is given to children, who may present special needs during their development and who may also be particularly vulnerable to crises affecting the family structure.
My double competence in sex therapy also offers the means of a complete management of your difficulties as a couple at the level of the relationship and in intimacy.
A marriage therapy consultation can be experienced as a couple or individually. The family consultation concerns the family and each of the members is received individually: the important thing is to allow everyone to find the resources to overcome their difficulties.
The accompaniment can take place over one or more sessions.